# | Name | TTI/Govt | Pvt/Others | Total |
1 | Registered Training Provider | 15 | 126 | 141 |
2 | Accredited Courses | 126 | 58 | 184 |
3 | Other Courses | 160 | 449 | 609 |
4 | Enrolment in Accredited Courses | 5732 | 14042 | 19774 |
5 | Enrolment in other Courses | 4686 | 35743 | 40429 |
6 | ToT Certified | 121 | 57 | 178 |
7 | RPL Certified (MoLHR) | 0 |
Department of Workforce Planning and Skills Development
TVET Quality Council
Thimphu, Bhutan