You have to register online on the MoLHR-MIS at https://mis.molhr.gov.bt/jobseeker-registration. As soon as you register, you will get an email and SMS notification, along with your job seeker id and user name.
Currently, it uses the CID number to validate the personal details and therefore requires the 11 digit CID number to register. However, the Ministry is in the process of working on the options to enable registration of all Bhutanese.
Yes, it is compulsory. Anyone applying for jobs and employment opportunities offered by MoLHR, including overseas employment has to produce the job seeker id.
Your account will be automatically activated as soon you complete the registration.
There is no validity for a job seeker registration but if you are inactive for 3 months, the system will automatically deactivate your account.
You have to be 18 years and older.
You can register as a job seeker when you are unemployed and looking for a job.
You have to complete all your profile details and must be logged in on the MoLHR-MIS to apply for jobs.
YELP is designed to support unemployed/job seekers through engagement/attachment with different employers and industries in the country. YELP covers non-construction sectors. A monthly allowance of Nu. 5000 per month will be provided during the period
of engagement/attachment ranging from 3 to 12 months
You can select job vacancies listed under ‘YELP vacancies’ and click on apply.
To be eligible for YELP jobs, you should:
1. Be a Bhutanese citizen,
2. Be a registered jobseeker on MoLHR-MIS,
3. Be 18 years of age and above,
4. Not be engaged in employment, education or training at the time of applying for support, and
5. Fulfill any other criteria set by the MoLHR from time to time.
In order to apply for YELP jobs, you need the following documents:
1. CID copy
2. Academic transcripts/marksheet
3. Any other documents as sought by the employer
1. Self-employed/Entrepreneurs supported by MoLHR and other agencies (conditions apply),
2. People with disabilities,
3. People who lost job due to COVID-19 pandemic,
4. People who pursued skills training under Skills Development Plan (SDP) and Desuung Skilling Program,
5. Young people in conflict with the law,
6. Individuals in difficult circumstances, and
6. any job seeker actively looking for a job.
Within three years from 2021 to 2023, a total of 108 skills trainings will be provided in the nine priority sectors, which are:
1. Agriculture,
2. Business and Services,
3. Computing and IT,
4. Construction,
5. Creative Art and Design,
6. Electrical, Electronic and Mechanical,
7. Manufacturing,
8. Power and Renewable Energy, and
9. Tourism and Hospitality.
1. Registered jobseekers,
2. Laid off employees due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and
Overseas returnees
You can apply for SDP training by following the link provided in the training announcement either on the MoLHR website or MoLHR-MIS.
You only need to upload the academic transcript of the minimum qualification required to apply for that particular training.
The SDP trainings are conducted in public TVET institutes and government partner agencies with the exception of a few courses.
SDP training is fully funded by MoLHR and you do not have to pay.
All SDP trainees are provided a monthly stipend of Nu. 3,500 for the entire duration of the course.
All TVET courses are announced on the TVET-MIS at https://mis.molhr.gov.bt/tvet/ You can select the course you are interested in and click on ‘Apply’, fill up the form that appears and click on ‘Submit’.
Your mark sheet.
You can register online at https://mis.molhr.gov.bt/employer-registration. As soon as you register, you will get an email and SMS notification, along with your employer ID and user name.
You only have to fill up the registration form and do not have to upload any documents.
If you register as an employer on the MoLHR-MIS, you can announce your job vacancies for free, which will then be shared automatically with all the job seekers who have qualifications and skills relevant to your vacancy. Upon seeing the vacancy, the interested job seekers meeting the criteria can apply for the vacancy right from the MoLHR-MIS. So, the announcement of job vacancy, matching it with the right skills and recruiting the right talent can all happen on the same platform.
You can create your vacancies by clicking on ‘Post Vacancy’ on your dashboard after logging on the MoLHR-MIS as an employer. When you save the vacancy details you created, it will be forwarded to the Employment Service Division and will be published within 24 hours after its approval.
The registered job seekers can apply directly from the MoLHR-MIS. You will receive notification when a job seeker applies to your vacancy.
You can add employees in your organization after logging on the MIS by going to ‘Manage Employees’. Job seekers recruited using MoLHR-MIS will get automatically added to the employee list.
To register as an overseas employment agent, the applicant must register/submit an application to the Department of Employment and Entrepreneurship through the MoLHR-MIS. Once approved, a Certificate of Registration will be issued by the Ministry upon payment of registration fee. The applicant shall then apply for a license with the Ministry of Economic Affairs.
Once approved on the application of registration by MoLHR, need to pay a registration fee of Nu. 100,000/- and a security deposit of Nu. 500,000/- (the security deposit is refundable). These are one time payments.
Once registered with MoLHR, it will be valid for one year after which you will be required to renew your registration. Registration renewal fee is Nu. 50,000/-
1. Be a Bhutanese citizen
2. Produce online approved security clearance
3. Submit an application to the Chief Labour Administrator (CLA) along with a proposal in the format prescribed in Annexure I of the Regulation on Employment of Bhutanese Overseas.
Any employer with a valid license is eligible to recruit employees under YELP.
You can submit via the TVET-MIS https://mis.molhr.gov.bt/tvet/ . Click On Registration and select Institute Proposal and submit the details required. You can also refer to the bottom left corner of the TVET-MIS home page and click directly on the Institute Proposal for Training Providers.
You will need a valid business license before you can register your institute. Once you have the business license, through the TVET-MIS click on Registration and select Institute Registration and submit the details required. You can also refer to the bottom left corner of the TVET-MIS home page and click directly on the Institute Registration for Training Providers.
Yes, as per the Regulations for Registration of Training Providers, 2014, it is mandatory to register the institute with MoLHR to offer any training.
You can renew your institute registration a month in advance to the expiry date mentioned in the registration certificate.
The registration fee is Nu. 5000 and the renewal fee is according to the institute grade of your institute. Please refer to the Regulations for Registration of Training Providers for the latest updated amount.
You will need to submit the draft curriculum for endorsement by logging on the TVET-MIS which will be reviewed and approved by the Department of Technical Education, MoLHR by issuing an endorsement letter.
Log in on TVET MIS and add courses by attaching curriculum endorsement letter issued by Department of Technical Education, MoLHR and Trainer’s curriculum vitae. The Department of Occupational Standards, MoLHR will then review/verify/conduct onsite evaluation for course registration.
Once your course is approved by the Department of Occupational Standards, MoLHR, you can announce the course by logging on the TVET-MIS by going to the ‘Announce Course’. When you click on ‘submit’ after filling up the details, it will be published on the TVET-MIS with a link for the prospective candidate to apply online.
On your institute profile dashboard, you will be able to see the list of all the candidates who have applied for a particular course. You can verify each one depending on your selection criteria and click on ‘selected’ to select the candidate. The moment you choose the status as ‘selected’, the candidates will get a notification in their registered email address that they have been selected.
In order to apply for foreign workers, you have to be registered as an employer on BLMIS. Once you log in as an employer, you can apply for foreign workers by going to the menu, ‘foreign workers’ on your dashboard.
When you submit your requisition for foreign workers, it will be received by the Department of Immigration which will vet the foreign workers. Once the vetting is completed, it will be received by the Department of Labour who will approve the application. The whole process will be completed in 16 hours.
Any Bhutanese individual, firm, organization or agency is eligible to apply for foreign workers.
Upon submission of the foreign workers requisition, the number of foreign workers entitled for the activity for which you are requesting them would be calculated based on the Handbook for Recruitment and Employment of Foreign Workers.
Since the application can be submitted online, there is no particular time and date on which you can submit the application. However, if you are submitting it on Friday after 5:0 p.m. or on a weekend, you can expect the officials to respond/take action only on the following working day.
The foreign workers approval is valid for 1 year from the date of approval, or as per the project duration if the project duration is less than 1 year.
The renewal for foreign workers application should be submitted 2 weeks before the expiration date.
20% of the first basic pay as per regulation
It is Nu. 200 per person for first renewal and Nu. 400 per person for second renewal.
Documents required depends on the type of project. Details can be viewed at https://www.moice.gov.bt/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Document-Checklist-for-the-Recruitment-of-Foreign-Workers-Revised.pdf
If the work permit has expired, you will have to first pay a fine to the Department of Immigration after which you can process the renewal application online from your profile dashboard.
You can check details about recruitment of foreign workers at https://www.molhr.gov.bt/molhr/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/ROYAL-GOVERNMENT-OF-BHUTAN-converted.pdf. Check details at Department of Immigration's website at https://www.doi.gov.bt/?lang=en or MoICE at www.moice.gov.bt
The employer has to pay undo charges to Department of Immigration after which it will be removed from the cancelled list.
EDP is a program that supports individuals interested in setting up their own small businesses. Individuals will be supported in terms of entrepreneurship training, developing viable business plans, and linking with funding institutions.
The entrepreneurship training is provided free of cost with daily allowances during the training period. Individuals are provided with a platform to showcase their ideas during different startup events and competitions.
The Basic Entrepreneurship Training is for 15 days and the Advanced Entrepreneurship Training is provided for 21 days. The events range from 1 to 5 days.
Announcements on these opportunities are posted on www.molhr.gov.bt (under announcement section) and Ministry’s Facebook page. Once programs are available, you can register at https://mis.molhr.gov.bt/.
Ministry of Industry, Commerce & Employment
P.O Box #1036, Thongsel Lam
Lower Motithang, Thimphu, Bhutan.
© Copyright 2023. All right reserved, Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Employment.
Develop and Support by Sonax IT Consultancy,Thimphu, Bhutan. www.sonaxit.com